Getting started

Getting started with the Python SDK

  1. Create a virtual environment and activate it.

    python -m venv .venv
    source ./venv/bin/activate
    Check out the official documentation for further instructions and other platforms.
  2. Install the latest datavision-beeyard-sdk package.

    python -m pip install datavision-beeyard-sdk
  3. Also install Pillow to be able to run the examples that work with images.

    python -m pip install pillow
  4. Login into BeeYard.

    1. You can login using username, password and client id

      import datavision_beeyard_sdk
      from datavision_beeyard_sdk import AuthenticatedClient
      uri = ""
      username = "yourusername"
      password = "yourpassword"
      id = "byard"
      client =  AuthenticatedClient(uri, username, password, client_id=id)
    2. Or you can login using client credentials (client id and client secret)

      import datavision_beeyard_sdk
      from datavision_beeyard_sdk import AuthenticatedClient
      uri = ""
      id = "yourclientid"
      secret = "yourclientsecret"
      login_uri = ""
      client = AuthenticatedClient(

Reading Hive system information

  • Liveness

    from import get_liveness
    liveness =
    print("Live: %s\n" % (liveness))
  • Readiness

    from import get_readiness
    readiness = get_readiness.ready(client=client)
    print("Ready: %s\n" % (readiness))
  • Version

    from datavision_beeyard_sdk.api.version import read_version
    version = read_version.version(client=client)
    print("System version: %s\n" % version)

Working with Workspaces

  • List available Workspaces.

    from datavision_beeyard_sdk.api.workspace import search_workspaces
    resp =
    if resp:
        print("List of available workspaces: ")
        for ws in range(len(resp)):
  • Create a new Workspace.

    from datavision_beeyard_sdk.models.workspace_descriptor_dto import WorkspaceDescriptorDto
    from datavision_beeyard_sdk.api.workspace import create_workspace
    import json
    name = "beeyard_sdk_test"
    workspace_desc = WorkspaceDescriptorDto(name=name, namespace=name)
    ws = create_workspace.create(client=client, request_body=workspace_desc)
    ws_id = json.loads(ws.content)["workspaceId"]
    print("Workspace created\n")

Working with Cells

  1. Add tag templates to the Workspace.

    from datavision_beeyard_sdk.models.tag_template_dto import TagTemplateDto
    from datavision_beeyard_sdk.api.workspace import add_tag_templates
    temp1 = TagTemplateDto(section="fruit", name="apple")
    temp2 = TagTemplateDto(section="fruit", name="banana")
    temp3 = TagTemplateDto(section="car", name="skoda")
    temlpates_to_add = [temp1, temp2, temp3]
    resp = add_tag_templates.add(
        workspace_id=ws_id, client=client, tag_list=temlpates_to_add
    print("Tag templates added\n")
  2. Create a Cell in the just created Workspace.

    from datavision_beeyard_sdk.api.cell import create_cell
    cell = create_cell.create(client=client, namespace=name)
    time_created = json.loads(cell.content.decode())["descriptor"]["created"]
    print("Cell created\n")
  3. Search Cells.

    from datavision_beeyard_sdk.api.cell import search_cells
    cells_available = search_cells.query(client=client, namespace=name)
    for c in cells_available:
        if c["created"][:19] == time_created[:19]:
            cell_id = c["id"]
  4. Add description to the Cell.

    from datavision_beeyard_sdk.models.modify_cell_input_dto import ModifyCellInputDto
    from datavision_beeyard_sdk.api.cell import modify_cell_description
    modifier = ModifyCellInputDto("My first Cell created from Python SDK")
    resp = modify_cell_description.update_description(
        id=cell_id, client=client, description=modifier
    print("Description added\n")
  5. Add Tag to just created Cell.

    from datavision_beeyard_sdk.models.tag_dto import TagDto
    from datavision_beeyard_sdk.api.cell import add_tags
    new_tag = TagDto(category="beeyard_sdk_test.fruit", name="apple")
    tags_to_add = [new_tag]
    resp = add_tags.add(id=cell_id, client=client, tag_list=tags_to_add)
    print("Tag added\n")
  6. Add Property to just created Cell.

    from datavision_beeyard_sdk.models.property_dto import PropertyDto
    from datavision_beeyard_sdk.api.cell import add_properties
    prop = PropertyDto(key="key1", value="Example property")
    props_to_add = [prop]
    resp = add_properties.add(id=cell_id, client=client, props_list=props_to_add)
    print("Property added\n")
  7. Add image to Cell.

    from PIL import Image
    import io
    from datavision_beeyard_sdk.models.add_images_multipart_data import AddImagesMultipartData
    from datavision_beeyard_sdk.api.image import add_images
    from datavision_beeyard_sdk.types import File
    im ="RGB", (300, 200), color="green")
    tmp = io.BytesIO(), format="png")
    data = tmp.getvalue()
    f = File(payload=data, file_name="test.png", mime_type="image/png")
    image_to_load = AddImagesMultipartData([f])
    resp = add_images.add(id=cell_id, client=client, multipart_data=image_to_load)
    print("Image added\n")
  8. Read image from Cell.

    from datavision_beeyard_sdk.api.file import read_file
    file_name = "test.png"
    resp =, filename=file_name, client=client)
    image =
    im = image.convert("RGB")
  9. Remove image from Cell.

    from datavision_beeyard_sdk.api.file import remove_files
    resp = remove_files.remove(id=cell_id, client=client, filenames=["test.png"])
    print("File test.png removed\n")

Cleaning up

  1. Remove the Cell from the Workspace.

    from datavision_beeyard_sdk.api.cell import remove_cell
    resp = remove_cell.remove(id=cell_id, client=client)
    print("Cell removed\n")
  2. Remove Workspace.

    from datavision_beeyard_sdk.api.workspace import remove_workspace
    name = "beeyard_sdk_test"
    query = json.dumps({"namespace": name})
    resp =, query=query)
    if resp:
        ws_id = resp[0]["workspaceId"]
    resp = remove_workspace.delete(workspace_id=ws_id, client=client)
    print("Workspace removed\n")