

  1. First of all, let’s prepare the BeeYard. These steps are a quick recapitulation of what needs to be done first

    1. Download the BeeYard installation package.

    2. Install the BeeYard.

    3. Log in to the BeeYard.

    4. Create the Workspace where you want to collect data.

  2. Add new Client

    The displayed Client ID is a combination of its Tenant prefix and the Client’s name.
    1. Name the Client, and the Tenant will be added automatically. For example, name it "inputgw".

    2. Set the roles, and for this purpose, use the 'developer' role.

      The 'developer' role is a predefined role that includes all the required authorities and some that are not needed for this specific use case. It is possible to create a role containing only the necessary authorities.

    3. Copy the Client secret.

  3. Prepare Tags.

    1. In the Workspace settings, create new Tag templates. These Tags will be used to mark the source for uploaded data.

  4. Proceed with the installation steps.

  5. Download the Input Gateway package.

  6. Unpack the zip package and place all the files into the same directory.

  7. Open the 'appsettings.json' file.

    1. Set the BeeYard "Ftp" client parameters if you want to upload images from an 3rd party FTP server.

      Set the "Host" IP address, "Username", and the "Password". If you want to upload from the local disk, you can leave the parameters at their default values.

      "Ftp": {
          "Host": "",
          "Username": "username",
          "Password": "password"
    2. Set the "Hive" parameters.

      Set the "HiveUri", "IdUri", "ClientId", and the "ClientSecret".

      "Hive": {
          "HiveUri": "http://localhost/hive/",
          "IdUri": "http://localhost/id/",
          "ClientId": "public.inputgw",
          "ClientSecret": "secret_copied_from_the_BeeYard"
    3. Set the "Tcp" server parameters.

      Set the "Host" IP address, and the "Port".

      "Tcp": {
          "Enabled": true,
          "Host": "",
          "Port": 1234,
          "MaxConnections": 1,
          "AllowedHosts": [
          "DecimalSeparator": "."
    4. Set the "PlcFtp" parameters.

      Set the global "Timeout", all the "Tag", "Categories" and "Names", and for each "Camera" set "UseFtp", "Folder", and "ImageName".

      "PlcFtp": {
          "Enabled": true,
          "TimeoutMs": 5000,
          "Tag": {
            "Category": "input_gateway.device",
            "Name": "input_gateway"
          "Plc": {
            "Tag": {
              "Category": "input_gateway.device",
              "Name": "plc"
          "Cameras": [
              "Tag": {
                "Category": "input_gateway.device",
                "Name": "camera1"
              "UseFtp": true,
              "Folder": "/camera1",
              "ImageName": "image.jpg"
    5. Set the "Urls".

      "Urls": "http://localhost:5001"

      The "ReportMetrics", "AllowedHosts", and "Serilog" do not require editing.

  8. Run the FTP server if you want to upload images from a camera device. For uploading data from the local disk, an FTP server is not required.

  9. Open the console, such as Command Prompt or PowerShell.

  10. Change the directory to the location with the InputGateway executable file and the application settings json file.

    Command Prompt, PowerShell

    cd C:\BeeYard_Input_Gateway

  11. Run the Input Gateway exe file.

    Command Prompt


